NSW Government NSW Rural Fire Service Fire and Rescue NSW


The information and material on this web site is general in nature and is intended for your use and information. The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained herein and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its uses. You must not assume that this website is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you had in mind when using it.

You may download, store in cache, display, print and copy the information in unaltered form only. You may not re-transmit, distribute or commercialise the material without the permission of the RFS.

The NSW RFS bears no responsibility for material contained in any site that is linked to this website.

The NSW RFS disclaims any liability (including for negligence) to any person in respect of anything and the consequences on anything, done, or not done by any such person in whole or partial reliance upon the whole or part of the information of this website.

For further information please send your request via our Contact Us facility.

Fires Near Me mobile site (www.firesnearme.com.au) Disclaimer

While the material within this application is current at the time of writing changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the material.

The information and material contained herein is general in nature and is intended for your use and information. The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material contained herein. The NSW RFS does not warrant or represent that the material contained herein is free from errors or omissions, or that it is exhaustive. Users should exercise their own skill and care with respect to its uses. You must not assume that this material will be suitable for the particular purpose that you had in mind when using it.

The NSW RFS disclaims any liability (including but not limited to liability by reason of negligence) to the users of the material for any loss, damage, cost or expense whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, incurred by, or arising by reason of, any person using or relying on the material and whether caused by reason of, any error, omission or misrepresentation in the material or otherwise.

The NSW RFS recommends users of the application do not rely solely on the information provided in this application. A number of sources, including the www.rfs.nsw.gov.au website, 1800 679 737 information line and media, should be used and users should assess the relevance and accuracy of each.

Current incident activity is sourced from the NSW RFS incident control database. It is not 'real-time' information and is only a general indication of current activity. Incident spatial location (burnt area and fire origin) update times may differ from the update time of incident details.

Fires Near Me Application Disclaimer

While the material within this application is current at the time of writing changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the material. Individuals are responsible for ensuring they have the most current version of this application.

The information and material contained herein is general in nature and is intended for your use and information. The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material contained herein. The NSW RFS does not warrant or represent that the material contained herein is free from errors or omissions, or that it is exhaustive. Users should exercise their own skill and care with respect to its uses. You must not assume that this material will be suitable for the particular purpose that you had in mind when using it.

The NSW RFS disclaims any liability (including but not limited to liability by reason of negligence) to the users of the material for any loss, damage, cost or expense whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, incurred by, or arising by reason of, any person using or relying on the material and whether caused by reason of, any error, omission or misrepresentation in the material or otherwise.

The NSW RFS recommends users of the application do not rely solely on the information provided in this application. A number of sources, including the www.rfs.nsw.gov.au website, 1800 679 737 information line and media, should be used and users should assess the relevance and accuracy of each.

Current incident activity is sourced from the NSW RFS incident control database. It is not 'real-time' information and is only a general indication of current activity. Incident spatial location (burnt area and fire origin) update times may differ from the update time of incident details.

My Fire Plan Application Disclaimer

While the material within this application is current at the time of writing changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the material. Individuals are responsible for ensuring they have the most current version of this application.

The information and material contained herein is general in nature and is intended for your use and information. The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material contained herein. The NSW RFS does not warrant or represent that the material contained herein is free from errors or omissions, or that it is exhaustive. Users should exercise their own skill and care with respect to its uses. You must not assume that this material will be suitable for the particular purpose that you had in mind when using it.

The NSW RFS disclaims any liability (including but not limited to liability by reason of negligence) to the users of the material for any loss, damage, cost or expense whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, incurred by, or arising by reason of, any person using or relying on the material and whether caused by reason of, any error, omission or misrepresentation in the material or otherwise.

The NSW RFS recommends users of the application do not rely solely on the information provided in this application. A number of sources, including the www.rfs.nsw.gov.au website, 1800 679 737 information line and media, should be used and users should assess the relevance and accuracy of each.